Friday, July 30, 2010

My First Piece of Terrain and Some Blood Angels

While looking for some dice for a mock battle I am to have with my grandfather next week, I've discovered that there is a hobby store that sells warhammer in the area of my hometown and I was surprised. I was originally imagining it as any hobby or gaming store I go to for my figures and such, but these guys overdid themselves. Called Legions, the store was amazing! The most warhammer and other wargaming goodness I've seen in one spot. Not to mention the tons of tables to play on.

Well not only did I get some dice, but I got some nice gothic ruins for when I play now. As you can see above they are very nice for pre-painted terrain. I'm bound to use this, and two other pieces that came with the set, for a city themed map that I always wanted, but works great for any kind of ruins to use for an objective and what not.
I painted these guys years ago, should of looked at some Blood Angel pictures to get the scheme right, for my friend Justin when he first started.
Now here is a shot of two marines from Justin's Blood Angels army he is assembling. Hopefully we'll get some more pictures of his army in the future soon to check out more of his stuff. I bet we'll see plenty of jump packs and death company soon enough.

Anyway today was a good day for me. If any of you find yourselves in Pittsburgh go check out Legions, great store.

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